<h2>A polyadenylation signal or poly(A)
Termination. In eukaryotes, transcription is terminated differently for the all 3 different RNA polymerases. Transcription is terminated by two elements: i) a poly(A) signal and ii) a downstream terminator sequence.
In eukaryotic protein-encoding genes, the cleavage site in the RNA occurs between an upstream( the sequence before the cleavage site) AAUAAA and a downstream GU-rich, separated by approx 40-60 nucleotides. After they both have been transcribed, a protein knows as CPSF and another protein called CstF( in humans) helps in termination.
A symbiosis is an evolved interaction or close living relationship between organisms from different species, usually with benefits to one or both of the individuals involved.
(A) Benthic- Benthic refers to the lowest or the bottom zone of the water body such as seas, and oceans. The organisms existing under such extreme pressure conditions are commonly known as benthic organisms. For example, corals and bivalves.
(B) Pelagic- Pelagic refers to the upper top portion of a water body, covering the open sea areas. The organisms existing in this region include dolphins and sharks.
(C) Sessile- Sessile refers to the property where an organism is stationary and cannot move freely from one place to another. These are known as sessile organisms such as coral polyps, Mussels.
(B) Mobile- refers to the property by which an organism can move freely in any direction it wants. For example, fishes, dolphins.
(E) Evisceration- It is a specific type of property where organisms can eject their internal organs in order to protect themselves from predators. for example, Sea cucumbers.
(F) Chitin- Chitin is a hard shell that is present in various organisms, forming its exoskeleton, for defense purposes. For example, arthropods.
The answer for this one is A