The little red riding hood teaches to pay attention to a persons features
Hello! I don’t think this is truly a question however I hope you have a good day!
Mother tounge is basically just the language from your culture.
When somebody says something is in their "mother tounge" it means it is in their native language. For example, "The Sioux man recited a poem in his mother tounge, his face alight with passion."
D.The poor suffer the most in war.
The main theme from this excerpt is that the poor suffer the
most in war. This can be determined by
how within the excerpt it is mentioned that it is “the humble, those who pay
the most because they are poor” are “killed in masses” and are cannon fodder
because “they are so many.” It is further
stated that the poor are feeble and offer the least resistance in wars because
of an ignorance about the situation that led their respective nations to war.