This question is a question that needs to be answered by yourself
Your everyday life is different from other people's, it is asking how these ideals reflect in YOUR everyday life.
As countries industrialized, factories became larger and produced more goods. Earlier forms of work and ways of life began to disappear. ... Once factories were built, most men no longer worked at home. Some left their families behind in the country for jobs in the city.
That's the best I could do, there is really no way to do more than 2 sentences :)
This is a multiple choice question, so try including the possible answers as well.
Also known as the ‘Alaskan Highway’ the Alcan was built during WW2. It was built to connect the us territory to the us through Canada. It was paved through incase there was an urgent need to get from one place to another through Military accompaniment. Now its a tourist destination.
Maybe because we dropped a atomic nuke on them and the terms were that they can live a normal life but if the attack we will hold nothing back <span />