As Americans began to move westward, they wanted to take the land on which Native Americans lived. Some Native American tribes resisted violently. By 1790, many Native American tribes in the western areas had banded together. Many of these tribes supported the British in the Revolutionary War, and they feared what would happen as the Americans began to expand westward. The Americans defeated a group of Native American tribes in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. This led to the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, which required the Native American tribes to give up some of their western lands.
During the 1800s, more battles occurred. Tecumseh tried to organize the Native Americans into a confederation, as he feared what would happen as a result of continued westward expansion by the Americans. The Americans fought the Native Americans in the Battle of Tippecanoe while Tecumseh was away in 1811. The Americans won this battle, preventing any confederation from forming. In 1831–1832, the Sac and Fox tribes were defeated in Black Hawk’s War. These groups also were unsuccessful in stopping the westward expansion of the American people.
As Americans settled west of the Mississippi River after 1850, more conflicts occurred. The Native Americans were relocated to these lands that were west of the Mississippi River with the belief that the United States wouldn’t expand to these lands. When the Americans did move into these areas, battles were fought throughout the West. The Eastern Sioux attacked settlers in Minnesota, and the army defeated them. They were forced to move to the Dakotas. In Colorado, the Sand Creek Massacre occurred. Many Native Americans fighting with Black Kettle were killed in this massacre. In some cases, the Native Americans fought and defeated the United States Army. The Lakota tribe defeated General George Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn. The Lakota Sioux and other tribes also inflicted a harsh blow when the American army was lured into a trap in what is known as Fetterman’s Massacre. Many American soldiers died here. However, in most cases, the United States Army fought and defeated the Native American tribes.
There were many battles fought between Native American tribes and the American army as the Americans moved westward.
That was actually my fastest typing speed record ;)
About ten thousand years ago is when the last ice was becoming history and when the global climate warmed up. Some estimates say that the ice started melting 14 000 years ago and melted up until 7 000 years ago.
This means that the vast land covered by ice for many years now became accessible to people and people moved north to live in the newly exposed land.
Answer:Germany and harsh terms
The federal govt has the power to maintain a military
in France there was a very strong support of extreme right (this terms is quite broad and does not include so-called nazism) already before the Great War. After 1870 French extreme right became quite powerful and had a stimulating support of intellectuals (Barres, Maurras) who were able to stimulate new generations ...a big part of intellectual elite invited Mussolini´s coup and in 30s there was a hayday of French right. When Hitler came in poweŕ, he had a strong support among French. But French extreme-right was frequently more conservative than modern (nazism).
Jacques Doriot (leader and founder of PPF), writer Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Robert Brasillach or Céline had many motives to support nazism. They believed in something that could be called "revolution of the body and instinct", the criticized democracy of the IIIrd republic because of its liberalism and intellectualism. They wanted strong leader and politics of body and instinct. But they were never united. In the government there was a division between "marchalistes" (followers of Pétain) and "lavalistes" (folloowers of pro-nazi laval).