in my opinion, I wouldn't use any of them, it's only best if you use the book itself. Both the website and the college paper are formed on people's opinions. If this was something that was given to you as a test question, your best bet would be the college paper. The college paper would be filled with Shakespeare's theme and symbolism and some of these themes that he uses are usually not easy to find, especially is your reading the modern version.
well just being bullied online no matter what a girl does you always going to make some guy mad then he comments something sexist
How did Mandarin become the official language? All of the official spoken languages were once dialects. Mandarin was one of the 10 major dialects in China and it officially became the national language for China in 1911 after Dr. Sun Yat Sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty.
Different populations will have different viewpoints on the boundaries (most likely bad viewpoints)