La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente. Tampoco mencionas a qué periodo te refieres. Pero aquí va nuestra respuesta.
Una consecuencia de los adelantos científicos del periodo se reflejó en el mejoramiento de la medicina y invención de las primeras vacunas. ¿Cuál es el efecto más relevante descrito?
El efecto más relevante fue una explosión demográfica.
La razón de esta explosión demográfica fue que las vacunas mejoraron la salud de las personas disminuyendo la mortandad por enfermedades, lo cual alargó el periodo de vida.
Las vacunas ayudaron a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico de las personas y se redujo la aparición de enfermedades graves. Es decir, la población aumentó, y con ello, la explosión demográfica. Más gente también representó un problema de carencia de servicios para la gente.
2. French agents demanding loan and bribe
3. Adams sent negotiators to France
4.strengthen military force and engaged in an undeclared war
5.Im not sure what you learned at the beginning of the chapter, but I’d talk about what happened before the French started taking American ships
This religion had its growth interrupted in India, with the advancement of Islam and the formation of the Great Arab Empire. Wich has had a strong influence in chinese artistic manifestations, such literature, pinture and esculpture. In Rome, its its significant growth in the IV CENTURY, christianity was considered the official religion of the roman empire.
In Buddhism, its philosophy is based on the existence of being this related to pain, and to overcome pain, man has five paths: correct understanding, correct thinking, word, action, way of life, effort, attention and meditation.
In Christianity, today considered the religion with the greatest number of supporters in the world, through Christ, his Savior, who rose to the third day, promises salvation and life after death to all those who obey and follow his commandments.
Ancient Rome was to develop its own form of government that allowed the Romans to govern themselves. In one sense, for a society that used its feared army to conquer other nations and reduced people to slavery, Rome was remarkably democratic when its own people were concerned.
<span>The silver standard is a monetary standard that relies of the fixed weight of silver as the economic unit of account. It became widespread from the fall of the Byzantine empire and was used by many regions including Great Britain, China, and India before being eventually replaced with the gold standard until it was abandoned during the early 20th century.</span>