Living intermittently in settled forest clearings called hamlets, they engaged in mixed subsistence cultivation of crops and animals. Cultivation was rudimentary given the hard clay soil and use of implements more suited to Mediterranean areas.
Urbanisation results from a natural increase in the population and rural to urban migration. People migrate to towns and cities in hope of gaining a better standard of living. They are influenced by pull factors that attract them to urban life, and push factors that make them dissatisfied with rural living.
Texas Road - Wikipedia
The Texas Road, also known as the Shawnee Trail, Sedalia Trail, or Kansas Trail, was a major trade and emigrant route to Texas across Indian Territory. Established during the Mexican War by emigrants rushing to Texas, it remained an important route across Indian Territory until Oklahoma statehood. The Shawnee Trail was the earliest and easternmost route by which Texas Longhorn cattle were taken
These are the good answers:
- Millions had been killed;
- Food and supplies were running out;
- Soldiers were forced to fight.
The overthrowing of the tsar was a consequence of the Russian chaos following a terribly bad military campaign. Russia was not fully industrialized when it entered WWI.