- Ireland
- United States
- Both
According to the article:
- St Patrick's Day in Ireland was a religious holiday.
- The Irish-Americans wanted to celebrate their Irish heritage in the US, so they added activities to the holiday.
- Both countries have festivals and activities for modern St. Patrick's day.
Post the paragraph or excert that goes with your question and i will gladly help you......
Even though this question is missing the options, after analyzing the revision we can safely say it was made for <u>conciseness</u>.
Conciseness can be simply defined as saying a lot in just a few words. Notice how the original paragraph is much longer than the revised one. The writer gave much more information than what was truly necessary. Details such as "and that new procedures need to be initiated" and "who was sympathetic" are superfluous. The first one adds nothing of value. If the procedures are inadequate, it is quite obvious that new ones need to be initiated. Readers could infer that. The second one is permeated with subjectivity, not only making the paragraph longer, but also stating an opinion that in uncalled for in this context. By eliminating the extra words, the writer made the paragraph concise, using fewer words to express the necessary.