(intransitive) To be enough or sufficient; to meet the need (of anything); to be equal to the end proposed; to be adequate; to be good enough. (transitive) To satisfy; to content; to be equal to the wants or demands of. To furnish; to supply adequately.
The correct answer is option 2: The narration describes the main character's thoughts.
This question comes from the book <em>"The Cruisers"</em> written by Walter Dean Myers and published in 2010.
Throughout the story, the main character, Zander, expresses his thoughts as shown in the following quote from chapter 1: "<em>I wasn’t worried about Da Vinci being fourth, or even about being suspended. I was worried about being dropped from the school altogether</em>".
Add a comma after "shortcut".
Answer: The Sevenths mans view changes as time goes on many times in the story. At first he beileved that K had smiled at him in between the first and second wave. Then he starts remembering it a little less and doesn't look down on it as hard when he moves away.