answer: if you shine a blue light on a green dress the blue would be reflected
Venus is not ideal for supporting life because it has a thick atmosphere which causes extremely high temperatures.
- Venus is the second planet near to the sun in solar system.
- It is called the twin of Earth because of its almot similar size.
- It completes one revolution in 225 days.
- It is the hottest planet on in the solar system having temperature near 735 K which is more than mercury, the nearest planet to the sun.
- The high temperatures of Venus results from its extremely dense and Carbon dioxide rich atmosphere. The atmosphere is surrounded by thick clouds of sulphuric acid that cause sulphuric acid rains.
- It is known as evening star.
I can't answer 1 but 2=First, make sure you weather proof the house, than go from there and try anything you think is necessary in this situation.
Answer: The name must include the genus and species of the new organism. [It must be written in italics with the species name lowercase]
Answer: Tt
Why? Heterozygous mean two different genotypes, meaning you need both dominant and recessive. So Tt
Hope this helps :D