Negative correlation
The correlation coefficient was used to show the relationship between two variables. A correlation could be negative, positive and zero correlation. A negative correlation and positive correlation both show the same relation between two variables but there is a difference that separates them.
Correlation coefficient range from -1 to +1. When correlation stands -1, indicates that the relationship between variables is negative. If the correlation stands between +1 then the relationship between two variables is +1 If the correlation is neutral it indicates that correlation is zero.
Thus here Ned feels stressed out because of workload also experience insomnia with weight loss is called a negative correlation.
Aiden is asked to deliver an extemporaneous speech.
- Lots of running
- Same basic positions(goalie, defense, offense, midfield)
- The field size is about the same
- Are team sports
- Both played for an hour(two 30 minutes halves)
- Depending of where you live, can be played around the same seasons
Which of the following is true about ERG theory? b. An individual can satisfy growth needs, even if they have not satisfied relatedness needs.
To understand why b. option is correct we have to analyze all the options.
a. is wrong because ERG theory considers that human beings have to create relationships with others and that they satisfy the so-called relatedness needs.
c. It is wrong because the ERG theory is not a rigid hierarchy in which the individual has to satisfy some needs first to unlock the capability to satisfy superior or more complex needs later. Also, it says that someone can look to satisfy different levels of needs.
So, b. Is correct.
<span>1) Suppose the world price of steel rises substantially. The demand for labour among steel-producing firms in Northern Ontario will increase. The demand for labour among automobile-producing firms in Southern Ontario, for which steel is an input, will decrease. The temporary unemployment resulting from such sectoral shifts in the economy is best described as structural unemployment.
2) Suppose the government wants to reduce this type of unemployment. Which of the following policies would help achieve this goal? Check all that apply.
b) Establishing government-run employment agencies to connect unemployed workers to job vacancies.
</span><span>c) Offering recipients of unemployment insurance benefits a cash bonus if they find a new job within a specified number of weeks.</span>