Got to trade gold, was bale to pass goods from their home countries and germs and deadly diseases as well.
The author draws the connection between how old offenders are and how they should be treated by discussing the scientific research the high court took into account. As stated in paragraph 16, "The high court's rulings also took into account new scientific research, including findings that the areas of the brain that deal with decision making, impulsiveness, and consequences are often not fully developed until people are in their 20s." So, in other words, the author states that juveniles below the age of 20 do not have fully developed brains which can affect the way they behave and their actions. So they should be given a second chance or rehabilitation due to this reason.
Hjn gln gig GLNG shim gim. Gm. Hjn.
Although Jaguars are the biggest cats in North and South America, they are not invincible. Biologists have guessed that at least 64 jaguars have been killed in Arizona since the 1900’s. One of the reasons that jaguars are being killed is for everywhere is for their beautiful coat and teeth, which in some cultures is belived to protect the wearer from snakebites that is why