Local temperatures over one week tell us more about weather than climate
Answer: A positive feedback loop occurs in nature when the product of a reaction leads to an increase in that reaction. If we look at a system in homeostasis, a positive feedback loop moves a system further away from the target of equilibrium.
It occurs when and where there is not enough water to meet both demands and those of ecosystems to function effectively.
In which plate boundary two plates move towards each other and collide called convergent plate boundary. And causes devastation. E.g. Earthquake, Vulcanicity. In which plate boundary two plates move in opposite direction and do not collide called divergent plate boundary. Mountain building is the result of this type of plate boundary's action. In transform fault both the plates slide each other and causes fault in the sea floor.
Plate is a rigid and solid crustal block which is mobile in character and found in the asthenosphere in the upper mantle. It prevails in semi liquid and viscous condition where plates move easily. There are seven major plates and twenty minor plates. Plates are of two types. Continental plate and oceanic plate.
Where two plates collide with each other that area is known as plate boundary and the edge of plate is known as plate margin. Plate boundary is of three types: Convergent, divergent and transform plate boundary. These are also known as constructive, destructive and neutral plate boundaries.
Convergent and divergent plate boundaries
In a convergent plate boundary, two plates move towards each other. Due to the impact, the heavier tectonic plate subducts beneath the lighter plate. This results in the formation of a subduction zone, and there forms a trench above this zone. The rocks at greater depths, melts and mixes up with the magma and eventually rises upward, towards the surface in the over-riding plate, giving rise to the formation of volcanoes and volcanic arcs.
In a divergent plate boundary, two plates move away from one another. Due to this opposite motion of plates, there occur cracks on the seafloor and land areas, from where the magma comes out. With continuous spreading, there forms a ridge, which is commonly known as the mid-oceanic ridge. This type of plate boundary is responsible for the formation and expansion of the ocean basin. For example, the mid-Atlantic ridge.