<u>Economic systems and labor systems:</u>
Labor systems developed and changed because of the interest in work and products. The correction makes bondage illicit in all states. Work frameworks and social structures changed or proceeded as they were adjusted and extended the African slave exchange, utilizing Africans to work in constrained work in the New World.
The procurement of settlements in North and South America prompted significant changes in labor frameworks.
After numerous Amerindians kicked the bucket from ailment transmitted by contact with Europeans, an enthusiastic slave exchange from Africa started and proceeded all through the vast majority of the period. Slave work turned out to be significant everywhere throughout the Americas.
Other work frameworks, for example, the mita and encomienda in South America, were adjusted from past local customs by the Spanish and Portuguese. By the 1500s, when Portugal started investigating the west bank of Africa, clans had just been occupied with the slave exchange for many years.
The decision of the court was read in March of 1857. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney -- a staunch supporter of slavery -- wrote the "majority opinion" for the court. It stated that because Scott was black, he was not a citizen and therefore had no right to sue.
A: take advantage of stable prices