3. Ecuador is located between the equator and 1.8312° S latitude
The latitude of Ecuador is 1.8312° S, meaning Ecuador is arranged underneath the equator, shown by the letter S. The longitude of Ecuador is 78.1834° W, which places this nation within the western half of the globe.
4. Maxico is north of the equator.
Mexico is within the continent of North America. This means it is within the Northern half of the globe of the Soil. The Northern Hemisphere is the portion of the planet that's north of the equator.
7. 70 degree of west parallel of latitude runs through the northern tip of Venezuela and Colombia.
8. Peru is west of the 60 degrees West meridian.
9. 10 degrees south latitude and 76 degrees west longitude. Peru is located between the equator and the 10 degrees south latitude line.
10. Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are all located between the 50°W meridian and the meridian. 40°S Uruguay 50°W 40°W 50°S latitude line.
11. All of Canada is located above which parallel 40 degrees North.
12. Tropic of Capricorn is the longitude lines which pass through Argentina.
13. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn is the two longitude lines which pass through Mexico.
14. Colombia is north of the equator.
15. Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil equator passes through which three South American countries.
To know more about latitude and longitude lines visit: