Order 9066 was a World War 2 policy that had long term consequences for the Japanese Americans. The order allowed the Army to "evacuate" anyone that they thought was a threat to National Security.
It affected the Japanese Americans severely. The order forced more than 120,000 Japanese to relocate. They were relocated to 1 of the 10 internment camps around the U.S. (Internment = putting someone into some sort of prison..) They put the Japanese into these camps in fear that they were loyal to Japan.
Conflict in the Middle East disrupted energy markets, causing high oil and gas prices in the United States. D. Conflict in the Middle East disrupted oil exports from the region, leading to a boom in U.S. oil production
Thrust and lift are artificially created forces used to overcome the forces of nature and enable an airplane to fly. Airplane engine and propeller combination is designed to produce thrust to overcome drag.
Enjoy your day friend! :D
Common Sense
Common Sense
was an instant best-seller. Published in January 1776 in Philadelphia,
nearly 120,000 copies were in circulation by April. Paine's brilliant
arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1)
independence from England and (2) the creation of a democratic republic.
Paine avoided flowery prose. He wrote in the language of the people,
often quoting the Bible in his arguments. Most people in America had a
working knowledge of the Bible, so his arguments rang true. Paine was
not religious, but he knew his readers were. King George was "the
Pharaoh of England" and "the Royal Brute of Great Britain." He touched a
nerve in the American countryside.