Answer: DT
I mean, this is an opinionated question, and thus will receive an opinionated answer.
Anyways, here's my answer.
Donald Trump has had the most impact while in office. In a short period of four years, he has roused the Media inexplicably and done things for the good or bad, depending on whether or not you like him. But whether you like him or not, you have to admit, his presence has effected everyone largely. Just this year, their are people whom have sung his praises, and those who have spat at him. First, his America First policies have largely changed the American Status on the world stage, and largely brought back a multitude of jobs. Before the Corona Virus, we were up more than 5 million jobs, and a flourishing stock market that was hitting tons of all-time highs. Now, during our current pandemic, whether you agree with him or not, you have to admit, his presence has largely effected America.
Because Britain wanted to expand its manufactured goods market. In the eighteenth century, Britain traded English wool and Indian cotton for Chinese tea and textiles; however, when the Chinese demand weakened, Britain demanded other means of attracting trade with China. Britain realized it could make up the trade deficit with China by selling Indian opium into the Chinese market, making opium the most profitable and popular crop in world markets.
Most Americans supported isolationism. They didn't want to engage in another European war. Although this agreement didn't include sending troops to Europe, it involved sending 50 destroyers to UK, so the amount of help was rather major.