The Liberal Republican movement in 1872:sought stronger action to assure the political and social rights of African-Americans in
the South.was led by President Grant as a way of countering a Democratic resurgence in the southern states.was successful in electing Rutherford B. Hayes president of the United States that year.initially had little to do with Reconstruction but encouraged opposition to Grant’s policies in the South.drew most of its strength from southern black leaders such as James S. Pike and Albion Tourgée.
Initially had little to do with reconstruction but encourages opposition to Grant's policies in the South.
The Liberal Republican party of Us was the political party was organised in May 1872. It opposed the re election of the President Ulysses S. Grant and his radical republican supporters in the presidential election of 1872.
It emerged in Missouri under the leadership of Senator Carl Schurz and soon became famous. It opposed the Grant's Reproduction polices and sought civil service reform. It disappeared after 1872 election. It emerged as the dominant party after the civil war and by 1872 liberal leaders like Schurz and Charles Sumner, Lyman Trumbull.
Men wore a knee-length tunic (chilton), either sleeveless or short-sleeved. Roman men wore a cloak over their TUNIC, which was like a wide shawl that was draped over the shoulder and carefully wrapped around the body. Important Romans dressed in a long robe called a toga.
it was done to push them back into there side (north Korea) it pushed the north Koreans out of Seoul and back to north Korea and thats what happend so i would call it a success.
Filmmakers most likely chose this name because it was about the Selma to Montgomery marches that Dr. King participated in. The name is Selma and not Dr. King because it is a story told over a three month period where Dr. King and many others planned the Selma marches.
I hope this helped you! Feel free to add more ideas to it!