Discuss (in 1-2 paragraphs) how you have used Spanish for personal enjoyment and enrichment (e.g. you might discuss how learning
Spanish has helped you understand cultural references in movies or TV shows, or you might discuss if you have written poems, songs, or stories incorporating Spanish, etc.) and how learning Spanish has enriched your life personally outside of school. This should be written in Spanish.
Learning Spanish has enriched my life in many ways; I can watch hispanic TV shows without captions, I've made new friends from this class, and I've found a new love and understanding of Spanish music. I feel that I'm more culturally aware than I was before I learned Spanish, and I can now break the language barrier that prevented me from being able to befriend to people who didn't speak English. Learning this language has inspired me to indulge in Hispanic culture and has given me the motivation to learn more languages. In conclusion, learning Spanish has positively impacted my life in a large way.
El español me ayuda a comunicarme mejor con los familiares que viven fuera del país. También puedo viajar a lugares de habla hispana sin problema ahora. Puedo ver programas, escuchar música e incluso escribir historias ahora porque aprendí el idioma mejor.
<span>On November 19, 1493 Puerto Rico was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to claim lands for the rulers of Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. In 1493 the island was called Borinquen by the indians who lived there. Columbus named it San Juan Bautista.</span>