Source makes no sense, as a source can refer to:
A) A place of origin which information can be obtained.
B) The origin of something or someone.
A citation is:
A) A piece of reliable evidence or information from a worthy source.
And bias is:
A) A prejudice favoring one side or another, depending on the person's viewpoints
B) To give inclination toward a certain opinion (basically the same).
c- she wanted to wear the diamonds to an event but could not
In the passage, it states that she was mad that it took so long because she wanted to wear the jewls, but did not know that they had to get all this money to get the necklace once again
D(set in motion, cause to start
What exactly do you mean?Are you asking how to spell construction?
knows all of the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story, or limited, in which the narrator relates only their own thoughts, feelings, and knowledge about various situations and the other characters.