Skydiving, because you have to jump off a plane, but the thrill is fun.
I went with the most sterotypical thing XD
"mp" in music stands for "mezzo piano." Mezzo means medium and piano means soft, so therefore, the musician should play at a slightly reduced volume.
The phrase that described the relationship between Frederick Fleet and Thrid Officer Pittman, it was emotional and depressing.
The stories told by both men towards the sinking of the Titanic ship were not only dramatic to the fullest, it was emotional and depressing.
For both were men who realized that they might have done more than they did; that had they perhaps been more quicker, more clear headed, that terrible disaster would not have happened, or occurred, not have been so costly in human lives.
First off all i don't see any list but a carnivore mainly eats meat so what ever has only meat should work
The details create a positive mood, one of new beginnings. However, Mrs. Mallard has just received the news that her husband has died which is really an ending.