Answer: B) The Organic Theory
The Organic Theory of geography -- or maybe more accurately, of geopolitics -- was proposed by German geographer Friedrich Ratzel in 1897. He suggested that nations function similarly to living organisms. The controversial part of his theory was that the way a living organism takes in nourishment to grow and thrive, strong nations naturally will nourish and expand themselves, taking in weaker nations or cultures around them. Ratzel coined the term "Lebensraum" (German for "living space"), which originally, in his view, meant the space for a strong nationalist culture to grow. His writings came only a few decades after the German Empire had been reborn as the "Second Reich" (second kingdom), a renewal of the older "Holy Roman Empire" of German states as they were linked together in the medieval era. Ratzel's ideas about "Lebensraum" later were picked up by Hitler and the Nazis as a justification for expanding German territory and taking over neighboring countries. Germany's expansion under the Nazis as the "Third Reich" led to World War II in Europe.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Nixon had to release the Oval Office tapes to government investigators. ... The House Judiciary Committee then approved articles of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.
To my knowledge if he had a reason to resign at that time, he knew he was guilt and he would get what was coming to him...
The two Opium Wars, fought from 1839-1842 and 1856-1860, have been understood by the Chinese as the beginning of their "Century of Humiliation" at the hands of Western powers, most notably Britain.
Early in the nineteenth century, an insatiable appetite for Chinese goods, such as tea, silk and china, led Britain into a trade deficit with China. To combat that, Britain significantly increased its opium trade with China. It used opium from India, which it controlled, to finance its purchases of Chinese goods. The Chinese government, seeing the extent to which opium addiction was affecting its people, decided to enforce its ban on the opium trade. In turn, England found excuses to go to war with China and easily defeated the badly weakened country. It then imposed harsh and humiliating treaties on the Chinese, which included payment of indemnities and forcing the Chinese to cede Hong Kong to the British. Although Britain, at the time the premier world power, spearheaded the effort, other Western powers also made lucrative inroads into China.
The Opium Wars could be seen as a moral low point for Britain in its zest to exploit the resources and peoples of other nations. The Chinese tried in vain to appeal to Queen Victoria to ban the sale of opium on moral grounds, and Gladstone, the British prime minister, decried the trade as evil.
The legacy of these two wars was years of distrust in China. In the latter half of the twentieth century, the country became communist and turned inward, taking control of its own destiny and growing into a major world power determined to protect its interests in Asia. The legacy also arguably impacted twentieth-century world politics: the English and French imposed similarly humiliating terms, the Versailles treaty, on the Germans after World War I, which did not go over well with Germany, and although the period of profitable imperialism was waning, Hitler waged war in part to build a similar empire to what the British had.
William Penn was relatively nicer than any other group of settlers. He actually bought land from Indians instead of stealing the land. He respected Indians and didn't believe in enslaving them. He would also sign peace treaties with nearby tribes.
The United States experienced major waves of immigration during the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century and from the 1880s to 1920. Many immigrants came to America seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, arrived in search of religious freedom.