1. Which process changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock?
<u>The temperature, pressure, or fluid environment change, and the igneous rock changes its form and becomes metamorphic.</u>
2. Which process changes sedimentary rock into igneous rock?
<u>With tremendous heat and pressure, the sedimentary rock will melt and be back again to magma. After some time it will cool and harden and will become Igneous.</u>
3. Which process changes metamorphic rock into sedimentary rock?
<u>Metamorphic rocks change into sedimentary rocks through the process of weathering. The metamorphic rock will weather, then come to a place where it will layer down and sedimentary.</u>
9. Metamorphism involves the addition of <u>heat</u> and <u>pressure</u> to pre-existing rocks.
10. The compaction & cementation of sediments form <u>sedimentary</u> rocks.
A majority opinion is your answer.
Overtime the court could change this view.
For example Brown vs. Board of Education overturning Plessy vs. Ferguson decsion. Check out
An experimental research is any conducted research with a scientific approach where a set of variables are kept constant while the other set of variables are measured as the subject of the experiment.The study involves the random assignment of participant into different groups.
To be considered as an experimental study, it should give some sort of treatments to a group and recording the effects. (such as controlling type of mil children drink). Despite the uncertainty whether the result is accurate.
I believe the answer is:
Leadership is needed.
( in order to understand the chain of command and identify the people who are eligible to make the final decision for the community)
Safety is a priority.
(in order to remove potential threats and make people feel safe to live in the community)
Law and order should be maintained.
( in order to ensure that there would be no chaos in society and every problems could be settled in peaceful manner)
The government should have a goal.
( in order to ensure the growth of the country and improve general wellness of the people)
Boundary lines must be drawn.
( in order to separate ourselves with other government and determine the right to use natural resources)