How were illustrations used in Medieval texts?
Many Medieval texts used pictures so “peasants” could understand what the text described and/or reported. Many people back then could not read well if not of high class.
What advance in printing was Roger Fenton responsible for and how did he accomplish it?
Roger Fenton was best known for photography and he was the founder of the Photographic Society. He printed his photographs from glass negatives. Then, he was sending his negatives to Britain and there, people used them to make prints. They were making the salted paper and the “albumen” prints while Fenton continued photographing architecture and landscapes for Britain to later use in newspapers for the people.
What is the difference between advertising and branding?
By dictionary definition, advertising and branding are completely different things. While branding creates a name and symbol (or design) for a company or small business that identifies their products from everyone else’s, advertising is solely based on getting public attention to the products or services they sell. Within that including newspapers, social media, and many more ways to promote their business
What was the message in Andy Warhol’s art?
Humor and Irony played a big role in Andy Warhol’s art. In his time the only “real art” was considered portraits, landscapes, Andy Warhol and other artists would take certain aspects from different styles such as advertisements and comics to create what is now known as “Pop Art”. Ultimately conveying that we don’t have to maintain the mold given to us, that we can go far and beyond expectations and create something truly beautiful, whether it be only to our own eyes or to the public.
Why is street art often illegal?
Street art is legal in many states if you have permission from the owner of the building or area you decide to paint, design, etc. However, street art becomes illegal and ultimately files as trespassing if you paint private property without permission, which then becomes vandalism. Taking this in mind, street art itself isn’t illegal with permission and proof for it, though becomes prosecutable when done to private property to which no permission, access, or even consent to return is granted.
What kind of illustrations do you think were made once printing presses could create images?
Things like cartoon characters,mascot ads, and prints of paintings were produced. These things quickly became popular and were printed many times that's why paintings like The Mona Lisa and ones made by Picasso are and were extremely valuable; so people printed them and some even profited from copying the originals. With modern technology a painting like picasso’s cubic painting can be copied so well it's basically identical.
What do you think makes advertising effective? Describe an example of an advertisement you think is particularly well done.
exaggerating the opulence of a product making it seem a though you too will be as happy and successful as the person using the product is an effective tactic within advertisement
Why is branding an important part of a successful franchise?
branding helps you set your merchandise apart from the rest. if u have good branding it can be useful as people can remember your business
How does it help a product to put a picture of it on a t-shirt
it might catch someone attention and ask the person with the shirt on about who made it how can i get one and stuff like that you're basically promoting the product to gain popularity so the product can get more customers which also mean more money
Were the posters that encouraged women to work during World War II an example of propaganda? What bias is present in that message?
The posters to encourage women to work during this time is an example of propaganda. During World War 2 propaganda was heavily used to gain support from anyone that saw these posters. It was also used to gain commitment to an Allied victory. Women were persuaded by these pictures to quit the lifestyle they had been living for most of their lives to help.
this is what i wrote for my project please do not plagorise but here is a little help so u understand what to do
have an amazing day! <3