Considering there is no passage to read, I recommend looking at any surrounding words / outcome of what Douglas does.
Good afternoon, today I am talking about my favorite subject. My favorite subject in school is either biology or math. I have reasons for liking and disliking each subject. I like biology because I have always been interested in the study of organisms. I also like biology because I do not have homework often which allows me to have free time for other activities. I also like math because it provides a challenge and also because biology, like all other science classes require knowing math. However I dislike math because I almost always have some type of homework.
I have always enjoyed classes like science because it gives me something to do. Meaning I am not just sitting at a desk reading a piece of paper. From when I first started school I have always excelled in science. I believe this is the case because sitting at a desk is perhaps the most boring thing I can do. In science we often have labs, which are basically experiments. So I get to move around and be active.
Math class is also another one of my favorites, I personally do not know why. I have always been told in that in order for science to take place there must be math, and vice versa. Because of this, I have always done my best and tried to understand the mess of equations. So slowly over time it has become easier to understand and I actually began to like doing it. It proved to be harder than the other class.
However I do not like to work for excessively long periods, or to have a lot of homework. This is a reason I like science and dislike math. In math you have homework basically everyday, including friday. However in science it is rare to have homework on any days, especially including the weekend.
In math we often have homework and it isn't simple to do. For me it usually takes one to two hours to get done. So this takes up a majority of my time and doesn't allow me to have much free time. For example if school ends at 3:30 and some people ride the bus so they don't make it home until 4:00. During math homework for an hour means it is 5 o’clock when I am through with math. So if I have extra curricular classes or clubs it isn't until 5 o'clock when I make it home. And during the winter it starts to get dark around 4:30.
But, in science we rarely have homework so it allows me to have more free time. We do occasionally get homework but it isn't as hard as math. Also it isn't usually due the next day they are often done over a period of times.
So I have multiple reasons for liking and disliking each subject. If I had to choose a class to be my favorite I would choose biology, because it is easier for me to understand and has less work.
Concentrate better, learn more, and are used to studying, in that order. Hope it helps! :)
The strom wiped out six groves of fruit trees.