''Most Europeans speak more than one language'' this statement best describes how Europeans have adapted to their vast language diversity.
Answer: Option C
In Europe, people are proficient in more than one language which shows that they have adapted to the vast language diversity. Statistics reveal that 54% of people in Europe can speak two additional languages in addition to their native language. 25% people are able to converse in at least 2 languages and 10% of the people can speak three different languages.
She chose to hide her pregnancy from her family because she is scared of the outcome if they find out.
in southern Africa/ south Africa.
distance and angle such that points equally distant from a fixed. point lie on a line and lines making a given angle with a fixed line pass. through a point. On account of this property we have called this. distance linear.
Russia. It is the largest country in the world. 90% of Russia is in Asia and the rest in Europe.