This is easy, common denominators. Well you know denominators are at the bottom of a fraction, and you know common means the same, so it would be something like
a d
b = b
<span>The answer is "Government agencies are in the public sector while government contractors are in the private sector"</span>
Correct answer choice is:
C. It is designed to reach short-term
<span>A total consumption budget means that all the money is spent on the products and services which have already been planned, and there is nothing left over as discretionary income.</span>
The statement is true. The salary measurement of American society, based on statistics published by the US Census Bureau takes into account the average annual income of women with respect to men in full-time jobs maintained for one year. According to this measure, the average income of women represents 77% of that of men.
Dred Scott would remain a slave and, as a slave, was not a U.S. citizen and was considered property. The Chief Justice of this case, John Marshall, said that Scott shouldn't have even brought his case to court because he is a slave.