La respuesta es C. Aurícula derecha – ventrículo derecho y aurícula izquierda – ventrículo izquierdo.
El corazón, órgano encargado de bombear sangre, se divide en dos secciones principales, cada una con una función. La primera es la cavidad derecha también llamada el corazón derecho, esta estructura incluye el ventrículo derecho y la aurícula derecha; además, esta sección recibe sangre no oxigenada y la bombea hacia los pulmones. Lo que es necesario para oxigenar la sangre. La segunda cavidad es la izquierda o corazón izquierdo que incluye el ventrículo y la aurícula izquierda; además, esta sección del corazón difiere de la cavidad derecha porque distribuye la sangre al resto del cuerpo.
The correct answer is option a, that is, It is sometimes sprayed too far from the crops.
The use of pesticides on crops may exhibit a significant threat to the environment, mainly in and nearby to water sources with sensitive ecosystems, sources area, public drinking water, residential areas, and recreational waters.
Aircraft spray of pesticides takes place from a greater altitude than the ground-based equipment and on a major scale, both of these elements may enhance the threat of spray drift.
Answer: White blood cells form to fight off cell infections.
1. Your body produces white blood cells which fight against infected cells, depends on what type of cell it is and how infected it is.
2. The immune response to a viral infection is primarily generated by a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes; cells that are mostly localized in ‘lymphoid tissues’ such as the lymph nodes or tonsils. However, the number of lymphocytes that can recognize and react against any individual type of virus is initially very small. This is particularly true for a novel virus such as SARS-CoV-2, which people have never encountered before. In order to produce an effective immune response, the small number of lymphocytes that can recognize a virus must become more abundant. Even though lymphocytes proliferate quickly it still takes several days before there are sufficient cells available to fight back against the infection. During this period the virus may also be spreading rapidly, so there is a race between the virus and the immune system that may determine the final outcome, in terms of recovery.
The statement that is true about Enzymes is that A) They are used up in the reactions they catalyse.