Answer: Beauty and the Beast
While Snow White includes many components that illustrate the idea of beauty is more than skin deep, Beauty and the Beast most effectively demonstrates this because the Beast is a true prince in disguise. Snow White is always a beautiful woman, with a kind soul. The only time she struggles with seeing beneath the surface is when the Evil Queen poisons her, and even then, the queen isn't dressed or disguised beautifully. In Beauty and the Beast however, the hideous monster that Belle thinks she will never be able to fall in love with, turns out to not only be the handsome prince of her dreams, but also is a truly wonderful soul that she falls in love with on its own.
do you have to loose your weight or because the society said so? apparently the new trend in 2020-2021 is to gain weight
it is a verb and it means to disapprove in an argument
1) Know the beliefs and attitudes of your audience to better communicate
In rhetorics, the speaker's or writer's goal is to affect their audience and get them to agree with their point of view. That's why it's extremely important for them to know their audience, including their beliefs and attitudes. In this case, the speaker/writer will try to make an ethical appeal (ethos) on the audience, trying to appeal to their social, religious, philosophical, ideological, and other values. There are two more types of appeal: logos (appeal to logic) and pathos (appeal to emotions).
A synonym would be...d eclined or refused
An antonym would be...approve or authorize