... u mean hunger games right...
From the start, Cinna surprises Katniss. ... Then, as Katniss is wont to do, she doubts Peeta, deciding that this is all a part of his game, that Peeta is a predator trying to lure her in. So Katniss decides to play along by giving him a kiss on the cheek, adding to her many disguises and masks.
You need to be more specific, in what chapter or where exactly are you currently in the story? beginning, middle or end? so I can help you here, what lies ahead of ponyboy will depend on how much you have read.
Fame and honor do not last long. Though we accomplish great things in life, we get older, we may have other conditions, that may cause us to lose the Fame and honor. We could do something, in life that may even cause us to serve time, either way, life does not go forever here on earth, nor does the things we have gained in life.
<span>One of the young and successful entrepreneur Mubarak
Muyika of Kenya. AT age 20 years old, he founded Zagace Limited is a software
helping companies evaluate their inventory: accounting, payroll, stock
management, marketing, etc. Next is Bheki Kunene of South Africa. AT age 27, he
founded Mind Trix Media providing jobs and a profit.</span>