To resolve a dispute in nonbinding arbitration, Alyson in Baltimore and Chuck in Denver utilize eResolve, an online dispute resolution (ODR) service. This limits these parties' recourse to the courts: <u>a) not at all</u>.
Non-binding arbitration is a type of arbitration in which the authority makes a determination of the rights of the parties to the disagreement. Online dispute resolution service acts as a third person to resolve the dispute in nonbinding arbitration.
Online dispute resolution (ODR) is one of the dispute resolution services in which technology is used to resolve the disputes between the concerned as soon as possible. Dispute between two parties is solved through online mediation.
Learners believe you can grow your intelligence if you capitalize on opportunities to learn
How To Capitalize On Opportunity Most billionaires are so wealthy and successful because they learned the art of capitalizing on opportunities. Whether we know it or not, opportunities are constantly presented to us. Some of us take them while most of us pass them up. The problem actually stems a lot deeper than that. Most people passing up those opportunities don’t really know it’s an opportunity because they aren’t looking for one. Entrepreneurs usually keep their eyes open for opportunities.
Lot of people have the poor tendency to talk too much. As an entrepreneur, I quickly found out that I learned the most when I kept my mouth shut and listened to others. If you’re really seeking out opportunities, listen to what others are saying.
You may hear about opportunities directly from them or you may learn about problems/issues they are facing. The smartest people in the room aren’t usually the ones talking, but rather the ones who silently sit there and take note of everything happening.
Some of the greatest opportunities go missing simply because people spend too much time talking. Seek out successful people in industries that interest you and see what they have to say. Most people miss out on great opportunities because they’re too busy to listen.
Learn more about capitalize on opportunities here
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Answer: The hidden curriculum
What is the hidden curriculum?
All the material and activities that are not written, not officially prescribed , and usually not related to the content of the lesson which includes values and perspective which children learn in school are all known as hidden curriculum. This can be said to be an informal curriculum.
Formal curriculum is the one where all the lesson, subjects and other school activities are prescribed and written down for the intention of teaching the children.
Hidden curriculum comprises of social ,cultural and unspoken academic communication to the learner's
For example children learn how to approach diversity which means how they can interact with other races different from theirs , how to talk to older people,how does a person carry themselves within the society all of these are not recognised as intended lessons but children do learn them through hidden curriculum.
Hidden curriculum can be of an assistant in improving learners ability to copy with the formal curriculum or they could be opposing ideas between the two also. For example students may be taught about embracing diversity especially racial diversity however if the experience opposes what they learn there is now no correlation between the two.
So the correlation between the formal and hidden curriculum is crucial to emphasize theorical issues practically.
Hidden curriculum helps students practice what they have learnt in school socially , culturally and through interaction with the environment that they are in .