1. When Fighting Another Man, Chop Off His Wife's Hand If She Grabs Your Genitals
2. Women Suspected of Adultery Have to Drink Dirty Water
3. If Your Slave Refuses Freedom, Pierce Their Ear
4. Don't Sit Where a Menstruating Woman Has Sat
5. Don't Wear Clothes Made of Both Linen and Wool
6. You Can't Kill a Burglar During the Day
7. Never Boil a Baby Goat in Its Mother's Milk
8. Don't Tear Your Clothes
9. Don't Plant More Than One Kind of Seed in a Field
10. Don't Eat Fat
11. Don't Eat Owls
12. Don't Speak the Names of Other Gods
13. Make Sure No One Falls Off Your Roof
14. You Have to Leave Fallen Grapes on the Ground for the Poor to Eat
15. You Can't Leave Open Pits Around for Animals to Fall Into