The sentence needs commas because the participial phrase is essential.
General Israel Putnam told his men "Dont fire until you see the whites of there eyes because some of them were too eagar to shoot and he wanted them to shoot at close range so they could hit the enemy. This also saved ammunition and helped them fight better.
"Megan Parker keeps running to check her mailbox, she is waiting for a letter from my cousin."
Correct version
"Megan Parker keeps running to check her mailbox. She is waiting for a letter from her cousin."
Is the jacket <u>on the couch</u> yours or mine?
The word modified by <u>on the couch</u> is jacket.
On the couch is a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase is a phrase that starts with a preposition, in this case ON, and shows where an object is located, COUCH.
Where is the jacket? ON THE COUCH.
Prepositional phrase is composed of a preposition plus an optional modifier plus a noun or a pronoun or a gerund.
He reviled that someone, most likely boo, had fixed them the best they could. This shows that boo might not be so bad after all. (;