Literal language means exactly what it says, while figurative language uses similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and personification to describe something often through comparison with something different. See the examples below. Literal Descriptions • Grass looks green. Sand feels rough.
Answer: In modern systems, a successful State is a territorial unit. As a territorial unit, its sovereignty extends over all the individuals and other things within its given territory. "A State is sovereign or the supreme power, within its territory and that state sovereignty extends to all the individuals in a given territory." by Dunleavy and O'leary.
Explanation: Some successful states were separately constituted with their own laws and institutions but dependent, such as Southern Netherlands and various states in Italy and around the Baltic. Gustavus had been a keen student of both the ancient discourses on military tactics, and how/why they were used. He incorporated many of these neo-classic “innovations” into his army. Gustavus’ army thus became more linear, more flexible and more maneuverable.
One of the first hints we can find about gods in Nectar in a Sieve is found in Chapter 3, when Rukmani talks about the difficulties her and her partner, Nathan, have to conceive a child. In her visit to her mother, who is a very spiritual person, Rukmani criticizes the god's willingness to help human beings:
"My mother, whenever I paid her a visit, would make me accompany her to a temple, and together we would pray and pray before the deity, imploring for help until we were giddy. But the Gods have other things to do; they cannot attend to the pleas of every suppliant who dares to raise his cares to heaven. And so the years rolled by and still we had only one child, and that a daughter."
Another example of Rukmani's reference to gods, is found in her description of her youngest son's health condition, as well as her struggling to help him. This can be found in Chapter 16:
"I gazed at the small tired face, soothed by sleep as it had not been for many nights, and even as I puzzled about the change, profound gratitude flooded through me, and it seemed to me that the Gods were not remote, not unheedful, since they had heard his cries and stilled them as if by a miracle."
Sectarianism is a form of prejudice, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group.