Cantebury, macadory
starshine, beeline
exhuberant, how Jubilant!
funny, Johnny, how cunning.
Loftful and thoughtful.
Make me never awful.
Happytime, sunshine
run wild, be a child!
get the 100 blocks 10 times
Macbeth is not at peace because, in order to become a king, he murdered the previous king, Duncan. Not only does this murder make Macbeth consumed with guilt, but it triggers a series of events that make him feel more and more uneasy. Macbeth later murders Banquo, convinced that he also represents a threat to his power, while Duncan's son plots a revenge against Macbeth.
Dialogue can show the reader how the character thinks, interacts with others, communicates, and possibly even where the character is from and/or their educational level.
A conflict in a person...change he/her for more precaution with who she deals with.