<span>Males and females are attracted to each other in order to ensure the viability and fertility of the offspring, which is also why it is uncommon that males of one species be attracted to females of another. Members of two different species cannot mate and thus cannot produce fertile, viable offspring, unless they are part of different sub-species. But they must be part of the same species.
An internal skeleton is called an endoskeleton, which is what vertebrates have. A sponge endoskeleton consists of short, sharp rods called spicules
Spicules are made of silica, calcium carbonate, etc.
The differences in gravity, craters on the moon and unknown materials.
These would all be helpful to consider.
Sequence of nucleotides in the DNA strand
Deoxyribonuceic acid or DNA is a biological material that stores the genetic information of an organism.
DNA encodes the information through the order or sequence of the nuceotides along each strand. Organisms differ from one another because their respective DNA molecule have different nucleotide sequences and consequently, carry different biological instructions.
A DNA strand consists of two polynucleotide chains, composed of four nucleotide subunits. Each of these chains is known as DNA strand. Hydrogen bonds between the base portions of the nucleotides hold the two chains together. DNA nucleotides are composed of a 5-carbon sugar (Deoxyribose) to which are attached one phosphate group and a nitrogenous base (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine). The nucleotides are covalently linked together.