A is the correct answer.
Please vote my answer brainliest! Thsnks.
It could be overexposure to something.
For example, human body parts, language, or violence.
Well this is supposed to be a personal thing that only you can answer, teachers usually use it to put people into groups but here are the safest answers.
Communication is necessary- Strongly agree
Courage can come when we least expect it- Stongly agree
What happens in the news doesn't interest me- somewhat disagree
Respect is given after someone earns it- Strongly agree
Most friendships are temporary- Somewhat disagree
Forgiveness is the only way to happiness- Somewhat agree or somewhat disagree
He died because he flew to close to the sun and his wings melted off
The answer is "she" -- which was "heo" in Old English. (He, me, and we have all been relatively unchanged since the time of Old English.)