Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States from 1861 to 1865. Prior to his political career, he worked as a ferry, general merchant and post office manager, among others. Unlike previous presidents, he was a congressman for only one term. Even in the army, he served only a short time as a volunteer and was a mere soldier of military rank.
Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery, but of limiting it territorially and gradually, but this was seen as a threat in the south of the country. Shortly after taking office, the southern pro-slavery states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederation, and the United States plunged into civil war. In view of this situation, Lincoln saw the use of force as the only suitable means to maintain the union of the country, and avoid the effective secession of the Confederacy.
Finally, Lincoln managed to win the Civil War and unite the country. He greatly influenced the subsequent status of the black population in the United States and is widely regarded as one of the best presidents in the country.
I dont either woe i wanna know to
Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an academic and American statesman and was the 28th President of the United States from 1913 up until 1921. He used the expanded or extended power of the presidency to encourage a far reaching reform program to upsurge the government’s part in the economy.
The atlantic ocean
the pacific ocean
the rio grande
the gulf of mexico
and yeah thats all the ones I can think of. :D
El concepto de contrato social de Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes escribió su obra cumbre, Leviatán (1651), en un período de guerra civil en Inglaterra donde se discutió quién debía ocupar la soberanía, el Rey o el Parlamento. En ella define la necesidad de crear un contrato social para establecer la paz entre los hombres.