<span>Article 1, section 8, of the Constitution of the United States (1789), transferred this power to Congress; "The Congress shall have power...To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures".</span>
<span>Disease and pollution: improper sewage disposal, contaminated drinking water triggering epidemics of typhoid fever and cholera; fires; overcrowding; and jobs where the causes of urban living in the late 1800s</span>
It strengthened Fidel Castro's position. The bay of pigs was a failed attempt to remove him from power. When it failed the U.S was exposed as trying to start a revolution with one of their "allies". This really hurt the U.S in the future because it led other countries not to trust them.
The renaissance period changed several positions.
Artists went up in status.
Writers went up in status.
Thinkers went up in status.
Doctors went up in status.
Craftsmen went up in status.
Traders went up in status. (Made much money. Check out several Italian families.)
The clergy went down in status. Particular not seen as all knowing.
Questioning the church and individuals motivates for their own personal gain. (Reformation)