The Protestant Reformation took place in the 16th century and was led mainly by Martin Luther. According to Luther, the Jews represented another challenge to Christian teachings, so he thought it was right to persecute Jews, as well as to set fire to their synagogues, to prohibit rabbis to teach about Judaism, to destroy Jews' homes, to sanction them economically and even to force them to do forced labor.
The North Vietnamese forces, especially the Viet Cong made their own explosives. They used explosives that did not explode, cut them open and made their own improvised explosives. They used traps like bamboo maces or crossbows which were activated by trip wires. One common trap was the punji stake trap. This was a bed of very sharp bamboo stakes hidden in a large hole for their enemies to fall into.
They believed that the church had moved away from its core teachings and become corrupt is hwy <span>did some people want to reform the Catholic Church in the 1400s</span>