When adding fractions all denominators must be the same. You multiple 2/3 by 4 so it becomes 8/12 and the same with the others. The answer is 19/12
Step-by-step explanation:
Angle A = 90°
Angle B = 45°
According to the angle sum property
Angle A + Angle B + Angle C = 180°
90° + 45° + Angle C = 180°
Angle C = 45°
As the two angles are equal so the triangle is right angle isosceles triangle.
1/6 is the answer when you divide it by 4
Step-by-step explanation:
Perimeter is the distance around a two dimensional shape, a measurement of the distance around something; the length of the boundary. hope this helps you :)
105,159 to the nearest ten-thousandth ...
^^ ok 1 is the ten thousandth so is 0 bigger or smaller than 4? No.
So your answer would be 100.000.