The correct answer to this question is:
<span>This behavior is best explained by the “Justification
Suppression Model”.</span>
<span>In this scenario, George usually suppresses his prejudice
against other people. However, since the Hispanic woman rear-ended his car,
this gives him a sense of justification that it is just right to express his
anger by expressing his prejudices against the Hispanic woman.</span>
Answer: a lawful permanent resident of the United States
An immigrant who is in the United states legally can be employed in most jobs. The exception is government jobs where employees handle sensitive information like security or intelligence agencies. These jobs sometimes require an employee to be a citizen.
Illegal immigrants have limited employment opportunities as they are undocumented. Some employers exploit illegal immigrants by paying them low wages or having them work under unfavorable conditions.
A fee simple absolute estate - option C.
Fee simple is a legal term describing the most common and absolute type of property ownership. Owners of single-family residences have fee simple ownership, but condo and many townhouse owners don't, since they own only their individual unit, not the land on which the development is built.
immediately correct that person
unsafe hunting can cause harm to other hunters in your group or other hunters that aren't in your group
stress-buffering hypothesis
The buffering hypothesis is a theory that a social support network presence helps protection a person from the negative impact of stressful events, it is a good system of social support can be a buffer against depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illness.
The stress-buffering theory applies to the perceived availability of social support, which is intended to reduce or weaken the negative relationship between perceived stress due to chronic health and quality of life conditions.