Select the sentences in the article that are based on opinion. When talking about recycling, people don't seem to consider the r
ecycling of clothes. Unwanted clothing dumped in the bin ends up along with the rest of your rubbish. It is a terrible waste not to pass on your unwanted clothing to a charity. Most charities have shops in your local high street. It is really easy to take your discarded clothes to be recycled. Charities can post collection bags and make door to door collections for your unwanted items. Watch out for unscrupulous businesses that make collections and then keep any profit for themselves. You shouldn't just throw away your old clothes because you think they're too threadbare to resell. Clothes that are too worn to be sold can be shredded and reprocessed into new items.
Sentiences 3 and 8 because they express emotional thought other than fact. For sentence three, using "terrible waste" can be debateable and shows more of an opinion. And sentence 8, by using "shouldn't" showing its still a posssiby something can or can not happen.
Myself is an Intensive Pronoun, In grammar, an antecedent is an expression that gives its meaning to a proform. A proform takes its meaning from its antecedent; e.g., "John arrived late because traffic held him up." The pronoun him refers to and takes its meaning from John, so John is the antecedent of him.