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In the medical field the basic ideas of geospatial technology can be applied. Similar to a GPS, doctors have tools to provide pinpoint measurements of information via remote sensing applications such as X-Rays and other body scans. The GIS then can be applied to take the data along with other forms of information to apply a layering of all the information to produce statistical reports. These reports are then analyzed to form a diagnosis and then determine a predictive measurement for a positive effect.
Erosional landforms occur more often in the colder periods of the year because in this parts of the year there's usually more rain, and also there's snow ,and most importantly ice. The rain and snow contribute to the chemical decomposition of the rocks, while the ice with it's pressure contributes to the physical decomposition of the rocks, by literary increasing it's volume inside the cracks of the rocks and break them from the inside.
1.) Coastal environments, deserts, mountain environments, savanna grasslands, and forests.
2.) Each ecosystem has a different climate and people and animals who have adapted to these climates differently than the other environments. Each environment has its own resources there that the other might not have for them to survive.
~Anything you say huh, well I say sleep well tonight!
El ciclo del agua es el viaje continuo que el agua toma desde el mar, hacia el cielo, hacia la tierra y de regreso al mar. El movimiento del agua alrededor de nuestro planeta es vital para la vida, ya que es compatible con plantas y animales.