"As suddenly Charlie's lights go off and the lights in another house go on. They stay on for a moment than from across the street other lights go on and then off again."
The line shown above is the one that helps to distinguish the work as a science fiction and not as a fantastic fiction. This is because it shows a possible situation in the real world, because although science fiction can deal with utopic and futuristic worlds, it only presents situations that are possible to happen in the real world, unlike fantastic fiction that presents events that do not apply to ours. reality.
Because people view college as the only way to have a successful career and make money
The correct answer is B.
Rhyme scheme refers to the pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse.
The rhyme scheme in "A Farewell" by Charles Kingsley is abab cdcd because, in the first stanza, the last words of the first and third line rhyme with each other, and the second and fourth lines create another rhyme, creating an abab pattern.
The same occurs in the second stanza, but the rhyming words are different than those of the first stanza, thus creating a cdcd pattern.
A bar graph that compares music students who scored higher on SAT scores in reading and math than non-music students
The correct answer is: A bar graph that
shows the high unemployment rate of
people who have not graduated