Mr. Hanson's insistence that the bee hive be removed from his car convinced the mechanic to call an expert.
Insistence is the only option that fit in the blank since it is the only adjective of the list.
Insistence can fe defined as the fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done.
Insistent is an adjective and insists is a verb. Insistency is not correct. So, those thre options could never complete the sentence.
The captain refuses to turn back because he is determined to prove himself by getting more oil first. His internal conflict is that he is prioritizing the oil over his wife's feelings. Mrs. Keeney becomes sad and distant because her husband is more focused on earning the respect of others.
It was Saturday morning as I ran down the sidewalk, trying to catch the bus. The bus opened it's doors letting out warm air.
"Where to?" The driver asks.
"Powhatan Library," I say.
I sit down and soon we arrive at the library. I jump up and walk down the aisle, then down the steps.
"Oh, no!" The driver yells furiously.
"The bus broke down!" He yellled.
I suddenly hear a soft cry behind the bus stop. I walk toward it and see a little box with a baby inside. It's wearing a vest with a pack of diapers beside him.
I grab the box and walk down the sidewalk. My house isn't too far away so I head towards my house. When I arrived I called the police and let them know about the baby.
A patrol car arrives, takes pictures, and took the box. He took the baby to the Welfare Department.
I started to softly cry. I felt bad for the baby and hoped he would find a loving home.