sustantivos: Lucas,asha,mapa,copan,Tikal,mayas,precolombinas,fotografias,pueblos, imperio, foto
adjetivos: Antigua, poderosos and i dont know
sustantivos They designate unique entities and these entities can be people, animals, countries, cities, rivers, institutions. For example: Juan, Manuel, Buenos Aires, Brazil.
sustantivos comunes They refer to things in general, that are not owned by anyone and that do not refer to a specific member within a community. That is, they serve to identify things, but in a generic way. For example: vase, ant, castle.
. Although he belongs to the Mester de Clerecía, Berco acts as a minstrel. Who is he addressing? What is the reason? With what attitude do you show yourself: friendly or authoritative? Justify your answer
2. In which fragment, Berceo becomes the protagonist of the scene. What does the author say about himself?