The pronoun is "it" and the antecedent is "a miniature glass hippopotamus".
Extra information:
The word antecedent is composed out of two Latin words: ante and cedere, and it literally means: the "preceding", meaning it refers to the word that precedes the pronoun, that the pronoun refers to. This is not important for the question, but it is important to remember that the antecedent is always in front of the pronoun!
Brb hold on cause i need to get this thing that will help ok brb
Crime affect people in many ways. Every person's reaction is different.
You might suffer from :
• Headaches
• Sleep problem or fatigue
You might have feelings that come and go, like :
• Guilt
• Confusion
• Sadness
10 B answer)
the best title for the passage would be A) since he passage is talking about text message abbreviations.
10A answer)
the maine idea of the passage would be B)
10C answer) maybe A or B would be the answer. I think it would b
most likely be B. I'll leave you to decide if u don't like B. :)