Because the U.S supposedly helped other countries
The American Automobile Associations will most likely support this plan.
In the past few years, there has been a couple of car crashes by teens. Actually many of the accidents involved teens, and they usually are at fault, because they usually have a lot of distractions, from staring at their phones to listening music on earbuds. Teens also should not be able to get their driver licence at the age 15, because many are still irresponsible during that time. Driver licence at 18 is a better idea then 16, for age 18 people usually go to college, and they would have to have their parents drive them long distances and use their time. At 18, they are also freed up to do more things during that time, and they can fit in classes on driving and take the driving test too.
hope this helps
Answer: Civil liberties are protections against government actions. For example, the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens the right to practice whatever religion they please. Government, then, cannot interfere in an individual's freedom of worship. Amendment I gives the individual "liberty" from the actions of the government.
Civil rights, in contrast, refer to positive actions of government should take to create equal conditions for all Americans. The term "civil rights" is often associated with the protection of minority groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and women. The government counterbalances the "majority rule" tendency in a democracy that often finds minorities outvoted.
What is the difference between a liberty and a right? Both words appear in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The distinction between the two has always been blurred, and today the concepts are often used interchangeably. However, they do refer to different kinds of guaranteed protections.
The Freedman's bureau was very beneficial to freed slaves because it was founded to help ex-slaves find work as well as help provide housing and food for the ones in need. They also tried to speed along the banishment of racism in the South which was high in post- Civil War America.