Les pirates ont été maitrisés par des voyageurs?
Un des pirates a fait un malaise?
La police a négocié?
“Quelle age est tu” has an error because in French, you ask how many years do you have, not necessarily how many years you are. The correct way to ask the question would be “Quelle age as-tu”
"Sam, what's the difference between a kid studying for his exam and a Shepard watching his sheep?"
"I don't know. What is the difference?"
"One is stocking his mind, while the other is minding his stock.
"Ha ha! Funny."
"Why did the Bunny hide it's eggs?"
"Oh no!"
"It didn't want anyone to know he was playing with the chicken! Ha ha ha!"
"Sam that is the lamest!"
"Sam, compared to mine, the one writing this wants to cry..."