Today, the advancement of technology offers media professionals a wide range of possibilities to develop their communication process: be it through images, videos, sounds and other digital tools, it seeks to incite the viewer, to captivate and generate a larger audience.
Thus, presenters make use of these tools, within which audio, as a direct inciter of the sense of hearing, seeks to generate sounds (be it ambient sounds, background or foreground music, for example) that generate the necessary attraction to captivate the audience.
I carefully prepared a homemade pizza crust and put on it the very freshest and tasty ingredients.
Why? The adverb, as it says, modifies the verb.
A lot of times, not all the time, they end in -ly
- In the first one "<em>most</em>" does nothing and the sentence doesn't seem to even have a verb. (to run, to walk, etc)
- In the second one it is getting closer, but too is not the adverb
- In the third one homemade is a adjective / describing word, not an adverb
- In the fourth one <em>carefully </em>is an adverb and it is <em>italiczed</em>.
- Stacey ran quickly.
What did she do? Ran. How did she do it? Quickly.
Verb = ran
Adverb = quickly
Hope this helps, good luck!
(I typed out a lot more to try and explain it since you said you don't understand it at all)
A. Absolved
This is the correct answer.
:) :) :)